Are you asking your clients to do too much? Setting up a client to ‘win’.

  • Monday, September 26, 2016
  • Shona Innes Psychology


Your client has had some difficult times and likely not a lot of success.


Finishing up with a complex young client – tie up loose ends and avoid burnout

  • Tuesday, June 14, 2016
  • Shona Innes Psychology

The research on burnout among those who work with complex young people indicates strongly that it’s important to finish what we start in appropriate ways. We know that it’s not healthy for health service practitioners to leave things unsorted in our experience.

Here I explain why it’s so important for you (or your staff) to tie up loose ends after finishing work with a complex young person, and how this can be done so that you best serve their future as well as manage the impact on your own work life as a support worker.


How to avoid FAT File Syndrome so YOU actually start to make a difference for complex clients

  • Wednesday, March 2, 2016
  • Shona Innes Psychology

FAT FILE Syndrome… a sad and potentiality dangerous symptom of working with complex clients. A file full of assessments and reports that lead nowhere; expensive and wordy documents that are worth nothing to the client or the client’s team when it comes to creating the much-needed outcomes.

I’m determined to make assessments meaningful which is a direct result of years of working with young people in complex situations and the reams of paper generated about them. Here are 5 characteristics of useful psychological and behavioural assessments and reports that I believe Health, Forensic and Human service personnel should consider, indeed demand…