Shona Innes Psychology works with children, their families, schools and community agencies to provide support and workable plans for kids and carers when they are having troubles.
Working with children is just so important! Assisting at the first signs that they need help can prevent them from developing maladaptive ways of dealing with troubles.
It can be difficult for some to untangle what might be normal or expected troubles from those that might need a more intensive focus.
Shona Innes Psychology understands the wonders and complexities of child development and we are keen to support a child’s natural support systems to provide the right kinds and levels of assistance.
We all want children to thrive and that means making time to give each child a voice and encourage their developmentally-appropriate participation in efforts to manage the troubles in their lives. It can also mean scaffolding parents and carers to navigate their way through the rough spots.
These troubles may include:
For more information about these and other matters affecting children and their carers contact Shona Innes Psychology by phone 0400 150 106 or email
Big Hug Series – Purchase the Big hug series here
The Big Hug picture books for children are designed to guide developmentally-appropriate conversations about topics that many find emotional. Each of the stories has grown from psychological sessions with children (and sometimes with grown-ups) to help them understand and talk about complex emotional situations in simple and gentle ways. Each book includes notes for parents or teachers.
John was 16. One day his mother took the family computer to be repaired. She was later contacted by police who told her that the IT people had found stored pornography of children on it. John was charged with offences relating to the storage and distribution of child pornography and needed help.
Sarah was 14. While she was too shy to talk to the boys at school Sarah started contacting boys via the internet. Things progressed and she performed online video sexual favours for them. Sarah’s family were shocked and horrified when the matter was brought to their attention by police.
Rory was 20. One tragic day, Rory was driving dangerously, his car hit a pole and his best mate, a passenger, was killed. Shona assisted Rory with his very complex grief, and when the time came, she assisted his legal team by preparing reports for court and advising the judge about appropriate options for Rory.
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