
  • Monday, August 28, 2017
  • Shona Innes Psychology

I know what you’re thinking….well, no I don’t actually,… but I think it would be a pretty good guess that at the mention of mindfulness, people conjure up visions of robes, shaved heads, incense and chanting. Purchase Your Mind is like a Garden

Yes, mindfulness has been practised in Eastern traditions for generations, but now there is an abundance of new scientific evidence that suggests that the practice of mindfulness has a really important part to play in health, mental health, relationships and focus at school and work. Psychologists and researchers have been working on ways we can apply mindful techniques to help people deal better with the troubles in their lives. Some of the research is even indicating significant changes in the brains of those who regularly practice mindfulness.


Are you asking your clients to do too much? Setting up a client to ‘win’.

  • Monday, September 26, 2016
  • Shona Innes Psychology


Your client has had some difficult times and likely not a lot of success.