Children and young people often cope with a range of mental health troubles, among the more common are depression and worry, and the more serious, suicide and self-harm.

Mental illness arises from a complex interplay of biological, social and psychological factors. At Shona Innes Psychology, providing well-considered mental health assessment, formulation and treatment plans are central to both our Forensic psychology and our Clinical psychology services. We carefully and sensitively draw out issues and implement an appropriate treatment plan.

At Shona Innes Psychology we provide mental health support for children, young adults and their carers for troubles including:

  • Depression and Adjustment
  • Worries, anxiety, panic, fear, shyness and truma (PTSD) OCD 
  • Bereavement and dealing with loss often associated with family breakdowns
  • Challenging Behaviours – Naughtiness, tantrums and anger, ODD and conduct disorder.
  • Self-harm and suicidal ideas
  • Social development – social withdrawal
  • Attention problems including – ADHD
  • Bullying – perpetrators and victims

Shona Innes Psychology accepts private consultations and referrals from your GP, Psychiatrist or Paediatrician. Medicare rebates may apply.

For more information, contact Shona Innes Psychology by phone 0400 150 106 or email